The Shelve concept was introduced in Team System in the very first release and it was immediately a success: a demo killer feature and an everyday handy one too!
The concept is simple, and the implementation (I guess) doesn’t seem complicated either, and yet the feature fills a need we always had.
But if the concept is great, there are some features we miss:
The first two features are possible using the command line TFPT.EXE program, but it would be nice to have it within Team Explorer.
So, let’s check if there’s some improvement with the latest CTP.
Unshelve + merge:
Let’s try to unshelve files that are in pending changes:
The result is:
Still the same… [:S]
Unshelving to a different location:
Unshelving to a different location from the Pending Changes window:
The displayed dialog shows no possible action to change the destination of the unshelve. Again [:S]
Unshelving locked files:
Following the scenario:
[:S] again.
Security on ShelveSet:
Nothing closed from what I wished was implemented, seems there was no evolution on that part too… [:S]
Well, I guess you already know what the conclusion is: no evolution on the Shelve. This is a bit disappointing.
But I do hope the Power Tools features will be included in Team Explorer in the RTM.