Pack de surveillance SCOM pour TFS 2010 : découverte et installation

Microsoft a récemment sortit un nouveau pack de gestion SCOM/SCE pour surveiller votre Team Foundation Server 2010. Pour les néophytes en la matière SCOM est l’acronyme de System Center Operation

Lab Management pour Visual Studio 2010 est enfin en version Finale!

Initialement Lab Management 2010 devait sortir en même temps que la vague 2010 des produits liés à l’offre ALM de Visual Studio et Team Foundation Server. Cependant, le produit étant

Setup SharePoint over a TFS 2010 Basic Install

Team Foundation Server 2010 has a great flexibility concerning its configuration. When the binaries are installed, a wizard shows up and propose you many types of installations: Basic, Standard, Custom,

Under the limits

The new release of Team Foundation Server 2010 went out few weeks ago. As I was lazy, I installed a quick VM to test it out, I put 512 Meg

Welcome to the Team Lab world!

The beta 1 of Visual Studio 2010 and Team System kicked out few weeks ago. As you may know it’s a major release of the Microsoft’s development tools. Most of

A new Team System MVP out there!

Just a quick post to say that I became Team System MVP from today! I’m really excited about it and I’ll continue hard working for this great community ! Thanks

Released a new Codeplex project: WITSynchronizer

Working with many clients on ALM and development processes I am often in a situation like this: I create a Process Template for the client and then create a Team

What you need to know to use the Process Template API

Developing an application using the Team Foundation Server Process Template feature is not an easy task, mainly because of the lack of documentation and sample around it. As I had

A laptop that rocks for Team System!

As I am a consultant, my best friend is the laptop I’m carrying all the time with me. Being a Team System consultant, it’s not easy to fulfill all the

Article MSDN sur les Work Items avec VSTS 2010

On prend les mêmes et on recommence! 🙂 Après avoir réalisé une petite série de posts en Anglais sur les Work Item avec la CTP d’Octobre de Visual Studio Team