Introduction of working with struct

Blog Post series How to optimize .net development using .net core 2.1 and C# 7.2, introduction to fundamental concepts Introduction of working with struct (this post). Introduction Before C# 7.2

Working with struct, a closer look

Blog Post series How to optimize .net development using .net core 2.1 and C# 7.2, introduction to fundamental concepts Introduction of working with struct. Working with struct, a closer look

How to optimize .net development using .net Core 2.1 and C# 7.2

Blog Post series How to optimize .net development using .net core 2.1 and C# 7.2, introduction to fundamental concepts. (this post) Introduction of working with struct. Forewords This is the

Microservice or not microservice…

It is always a good thing to benefit from the point of view of others, things are never either black or white and to find your way in this grey